Category: All About the Sacraments

  • The Liturgical Year and Calendar

    The essence of the liturgical celebrations of the Church and their organization are encapsulated in the opening words of the Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, derived from the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. The liturgical year comprises two main cycles: the seasonal cycle, known as the Proper of Time, and the sanctoral cycle, called the Proper of Saints. Both are structured and presented in a liturgical calendar, enriched by local observances specific to national, diocesan, parish-level, or religious community traditions. Throughout these cycles, the Paschal Mystery of Jesus...

  • Married Couples Ministry

    The mission of the Married Couples Ministry at Spirit Temple Bible Church (STBC) is to fortify marriages using biblical principles, illuminate the roles of husbands and wives in God’s divine order, and underscore the significance of family within the church community. At STBC, our aim isn’t merely good marriages; we aspire for greatness in every union. We believe that when marriages are just “good,” couples may settle for mediocrity. Our goal is to equip couples with the tools and inspiration needed to strive for greatness in their marriages. Through marriage enrichment courses and bi-monthly ...

  • What is a Sacrament?

    In unraveling the essence of sacraments, it’s crucial to grasp the meaning behind the term itself. According to the insights of the early Church Fathers, a sacrament signifies a sacred element concealed within. This notion finds resonance in the Greek term mysterion, translating to “mystery.” Scriptural references, such as those found in St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians and Timothy, emphasize the veiled nature of divine truths. Thus, sacraments represent tangible signs through which God’s grace is communicated in a profound yet tangible manner. Why were the sacraments instituted? The ...